NiCk CaRtErS SeXaLiCiOuS HeAvEn

NeWs & UpCoMiNg EvEnTs!
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NiCkS LyRiCs!
BuY SeLL & TrAdE!
AbOuT Me!
ThE FaMoUs NiCk TaTTs!
FaVoRiTe NiCk QuOtEs!
NiCk CaRtErS SeXaLiCiOuS FaN StuFF!
HoT NiCk LiNkS!

Secrets Secrets....

The music is what matters most...Last Updated: October 19th, 2002.

Nick & the 'so called' Isabelle.


Ok, well there has been some talk about Nick dating a Swedish model named Isabelle Filling, well personally she can kiss my butt *lol*, but on a real tip, nothing has really been confirmed on this 'situation' to all of those who give a crap, but no worries girls im sure all of you are 10 times better than 'Isabelle' anywayz! hhmmph. Truth or not I just want our Nicky she smokes eeek.

**There has been rumors about Britney Spears doing a song with Nick for his new album, it has been cleared up by Nick himself that this will not be. He cleared this up during his chat on AOL on July 10th, he had said that his friend had heard the rumor (I bet it was Froggy from 93.3 flz..hehe) and told Nick & Nick cleared it all up for us. Nick dont need Brit, his album is gunna rock on its own, but grant it, they are great artists in their own right! :) Lookin forward to the album!**


**No need to worry folks..especially those of you who despise Britney..nevertheless her and Nick and NOT a couple nor are they cool those burning from anger hearts and rest at ease that its just a rumor. :)**


There has been so much talk since the ESPY Awards that Nick and Sue Bird are now 'dating'. Well just for the record, Nick and Sue are not dating but they had some of the same management and Sue needed an escort, Nicks a good guy and escorted her to the awards. No romantics there at all, they are just friends and Im glad they had a good time at the awards.



Hey Guys..well the rumor mill is up and running again..and Im not pleased with what its producing..(i hate People keep on saying that the Backstreet Boys are breaking up..well its NOT true..Dont take it so lightly to believe something until you hear it from the Boys mouths 1st..they dont have a problem being open with the fans..they are now in the studio recording and a close friend of thier has said that he has heard several demos already and they rock! Nick has even said himself in a recent interview that the himself and the Boys are not seperating and that they will be coming out with a group album,,Nick's solo album is just something he really wanted to do..and thats his side project. :) Lets be supportive of the Boys and their decisions..dont jump to conclusions just because right now they are not in the lime-lite..when they were getting ready to come out with Black & Blue and they had been out so long they were afraid that the fans wouldnt be there when they got back..but we WERE & we alwayz will be!! :) So be patient and support the Boys 100%!! Ktbspa forever!!