Looking for a lil extra cash? Looking for some hard to find BSB stuff? Wanna trade something you have for something else? This is what this page is for!
1.) Hey Guys! Im selling tons of BSB & other teen magazines that still have tons of posters in them for dirt cheap! :) The price all depends on the magazine & what kind of shape its in but most are between $1.00-$1.25! If you are interested email me at lovekeybiscayne@hotmail.com Thanks! P.S. Im still the biggest BSB fan in the world I just have too many magazines and posters and too little room! *lol*
videos from italian, french, spanish,english, and german tv from '96 to 2000. besides i have selfmade videos( recorded by bsb fans in the airport, in a restaurant, playing basket, in some concert, in a pre show in 96 and more
photos from concert of tour millennium in madrid 99 and over 600 pix freom around the world
and overeas interviews and posters from italy, france, germany, uk, usa, south america, portugal, and spain. i have over 2000 pages. email bsb_maria@hotmail .com if you are interested. :)
3) Does anyone have the Lupus 2002 concert on tape? If you do I would love to buy a copy from you! :) Just email me at lovekeybiscayne@hotmail.com Thanks!
4.)Hi other BSB fans! I have SOOO many BSB stuff for sale!! I still love the boys, though, believe it or not, these are mostly EXTRAS!!! Here is just a small sample. Also, FEEL FREE to email me for a complete list of prices. Here we go:
1. Backstreet Boys - Now and Forever! Click here for pic: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0439149754.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg
2. Backstreet Boys: Theyve Got It Goin On! Click here for pic: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0312968531.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg
3. Backstreet Boys TV Guide - May-June 2001 - RARE!
4. Backstreet Boys: Confidential - Click for pic: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0823078604.01.LZZZZZZZ.gif
5. Backstreet Boys Backstage Pass: A Photo Scrapbook - Click here for pic: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0439045312.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg
6. Hangin With The Backstreet Boys: An Unauthorized Biography - Click here for pic: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0590047116.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg
7. Backstreet Boys Hit Clips: The Call
8. Backstreet Boys Got Milk? Ads 8in x 11in
9. Backstreet Boys YM - January 2000
10. Backstreet Boys Millenium Folder
11. Backstreet Boys Teen Magazine May 2001
12. Backstreet Boys 2001 Calender - still sealed! RARE COLLECTOR'S ITEM!!! Origional price: $12.99 I'm charging only $8.00!
13. Backstreet Boys Teen Magazine - July 1999
14. 50+ RUSSIAN BSB articles/clippings!! (whatever!)
15. Burger King Kevin, Aj and Howie dolls! (some in wrappings!!)
That's all for now! If you have any questions, PLEASE e-mail me! I forgot to add that every order has a $5.00 shipping charge unless you buy over 5 items, shipping and handling is FREE! Thanks so much for checking this out! PLEASE Get back to me soon. :-)
~Juliet~ Email: thejolys@verizon.net