~As long as we have our fans we can conquer anything.
~Live life to the fullest for the future is scarce.
~It's a Backstreet thang!
~When life gives you lemons ask for oranges.
~If practice makes perfect, and nobody's perfect, why practice????
~You've messed with Backstreet.
~That was the most God awful piece of crap song we ever did. Nick about the song "If you want it to be good girl (get yourself a bad boy)"
~It's sour freakin pineapple!
~It's now or never. Howie's gonna live forever!
~We're sitting here picking our noses what do you think we're doing?
~I am twice the man!
~Howie can be serious at times. But at other times, you know, he can be just as f***ing crazy as me and Brian! -Nick (with a smile on his face on the All Access video during the making of Everybody! Go check it out!)
~My hand dumbass!
~I don't give a damn I act like a kid up here.
~I'm drowning in your love Brian!
~When I wake up in the morning I don't tend to brush my teeth that often so things get stuck in the crevices!