NiCk CaRtErS SeXaLiCiOuS HeAvEn
NeWs & UpCoMiNg EvEnTs!

NeWs & UpCoMiNg EvEnTs!
NiCk HoT PiCs PaGe 1
NiCk HoT PiCs PaGe 2
NiCk HoT PiCs PaGe 3
NiCk HoT PiCs PaGe 4!
NiCkS LyRiCs!
BuY SeLL & TrAdE!
AbOuT Me!
ThE FaMoUs NiCk TaTTs!
FaVoRiTe NiCk QuOtEs!
NiCk CaRtErS SeXaLiCiOuS FaN StuFF!
HoT NiCk LiNkS!

Here's the scoop...last updated October, 19th 2002.

-Just a side note..updated news starts at the bottom and the older news is at the top of the page..hope that helps. :)-


**Nick new & upcoming solo album!!! Nick talked about his album during his AOL chat and he released the information that his album was going to be named "Now or Never" and that a probable release date would be in October sometime, but its still not a definate. Nick also said that he will be releasing his first single next month sometime (August)! Exciting huh?! I cant wait! Look for it guy, its gunna rock! Litterally~**
  **Nick Album update!: Nicks new solo album 'Now or Never' will be out in stores October 29th 2002 so mark your calenders!! :) The first single off of his album will be released on the air-waves August 17th, just around the corner! His first single will be 'Help Me', other great songs that will be on the album are Love to Love, Help Me, My Confessions & Just Wanna Take you Home plus many more, so we have alot to look forward too!**

Nick's AOL chat transcript with Sue Bird:

MrLiveGuy: Hey guys -- can you give us a sneak peek as to what you are wearing to the ESPY's?

Sue Nick Live: Sue- I have the DKNY dress on with a spaghetti shirt and diamonds. Nick's got on his Hugo Boss shirt and looks pretty good!

MrLiveGuy: Sue and Nick- who are you most excited to see tonight at the ESPY's?

Sue Nick Live: Sue-I'm most excited to see Snoop Dogg do his thing up there!

Sue Nick Live: Nick-I'm excited to see all of the sports stars. I'm just going to have to go out to see the audience and see who I'm excited to see. I know Samuel L. Jackon is going to be here!

Question: Nick- Are you doing a duet with Britney Spears?

Sue Nick Live: Nick-I had someone from back home call and tell me I'm doing a duet with Britney! No, I'm not, I had no clue about this!

Question: nick, do you have a title for your solo album?

Sue Nick Live: Nick-It's called "Now or Never"

Sue Nick Live: Sue-It's hot out here, it's a lot of fun and it's pretty crazy. A lot of cheering going on!

Sue Nick Live: Ncik-I have to second that!

Question: Nick- What kind of vocal training do you take?

Sue Nick Live: Nick-I train myself now. I've been in this business for a long time so I train myself.

Question: Nick- When does the Backstreet Boys album come out?

Sue Nick Live: Nick- The next Backstreet album is in the middle of being recorded so there is no date set yet.

Question: Nick- Will you tour with your brother this summer?

Sue Nick Live: Nick-I don't know, I don't believe so but I don't know.

Sue Nick Live: Nick-That's an option.

MrLiveGuy: This is for sue and nick- who would win in a game of one on one? I think Sue would!

Sue Nick Live: Nick-I can't even be a part of that question, that's not fair! I'll just call the shots out!

Sue Nick Live: Nick-I only play basketball for fitness! LOL

Question: Nick, What advice do you have for me... I've been working hard to get a singing career going, but any advice would come as a big help? Thanks.

Sue Nick Live: Nick-Mainly to work hard at your dream. A lot of times people give up in the beginning. Things don't happen overnight, you gotta work for it! Find out what your talents are. Sometimes your talents aren't always what you're working for.

Question: Nick- What is on your scedule for the next few weeks?

Sue Nick Live: Nick-The next few weeks I'm going to be in LA doing some intense stuff. I'll be

Question: Nick, do you listen to country music? Would you would ever record a country song? It'll make some people mighty happy if you did.

Sue Nick Live: Nick-I don't know, I like all music.... I don't know if I'd ever do a country song but who knows, I can't tell what I'm going to do in the future.

MrLiveGuy: What is your favortite childhood memory?

Sue Nick Live: Nick-I was an accident prone kid and I had a bike accident and broke my arm. Those were our WORST memories! LOL

Question: Nick, how do you feel about the older audiences, such as older women who like you, going after your little brother?

Sue Nick Live: Nick-This is an issue! My brother is 14 and he thinks he's older than he is! LOL But I guess that's alright! I'm a protective older brother.

Question: This is a question for Nick Carter. If you were'nt a singer what would you be?

Sue Nick Live: Nick-Unfortunately I was not blessed in the basketball department! Who knows what I'd be doing. I have always been into watersports so I'd probably be racing waterboats or NASCARS or something like that.

Question: Hey Nick! My name is Angela. Congratulations on the boat races you have won! I was just wondering is your solo album done and when is the first single coming out? Luv ya!

Sue Nick Live: Nick-First single should be coming out sometime next month and the album around October. Right now I'm in discussions with the boys and we're trying to see what's best. Right now on my agenda is my album.

Question: Sue- Have you and Nick played basketball together? Who won?

Sue Nick Live: Nick-We have a hard enough time getting in touch with each other on the phone! We've been playing phone tag for the past 3 weeks! I'd probably never play her, I'm

Sue Nick Live: too scared!

Question: Hi Nick, my name's Brandi. If you could be any animal in the world, what would you be and why?

Sue Nick Live: Nick-I'd be something in the ocean...maybe a dolphin or a shark.

MrLiveGuy: What are you doing after the show tonight- is there a party?

Sue Nick Live: Nick-I'm going to rehearsals tonight. I'm not as bad as I used to be! LOL

Sue Nick Live: Nick-Sorry we couldn't get to everybody! Take care!


**'Why You Keep On Callin Me' will be the 1st single off the new Backstreet Boys Album! The lyrics to the song are on the lyrics page.**


Nick Carter: After harmonizing his way to millions of dollars and mega fame, the youngest Backstreet Boy wants to be a rock star.

By Dina Singing

First came the rumors: The Backstreet Boys are breaking up. Then came the denials: The Fab Five parade through TRL insisting there is no--- repeat---, no----end in sight for the original Orlando-born boy band. Now, after nearly two years, two marriages and A.J.'s stint in rehab (which only further fueled gossip about a split), the Backstreet Boys have finally started working on their fourth album. Then we heard that resident hunk Nick Carter is working on solo material. So what's up?

"This is my chance to try everything that's been stored in my mind musical since I was 12 years old", says Nick, who's making beats behind a high-tech soundboard at his Los Angeles studio. "It's my release." He's wearing silver rimmed glasses that give him an I'm-not- just-another-dumb-heartthrob-look. "The best part about doing this is that there are no boundaries. There are certain things we can't do on a Backstreet record, like rocking out on a song," he says, strumming the guitar he keeps in the studio. Yep, you heard right...Nick is ready to rock. "I know everyone will say, 'Oh, he's trying to do rock.' But that's what I grew up listening to. I've been influenced by groups like Stone Temple Pilots and classic stuff like Creedence Clearwater Revival."

The 22-year-old tells us he's experimenting with a harder, more guitar-based sound. He hopes to show some of his drum and guitar skills--he's been playing both for a while now--on the album. He's also considering teaming up with an established female rocker. "I'd like to do a duet with a girl, someone like Michelle Branch, Shakira, or Alanis Morissette," says Nick, adding that he hasn't made any decisions yet. But after hearing him sing over a fast-paced but still pretty poppy track, we're not quite convinced that he's abandoning his roots altogether. After all, he is working a bit with producer Max Martin, the Swedish mastermind behind several Backsreet Boys, 'Nsync and Britney songs. But several days later, we're told that Nick decided not to include--or even finish recording---that cut that we heard him work on. Guess Nick thought that it was too pop- influenced as well.

Flying solo is also giving Nick the chance to get personal. Though he's contributed to several Backstreet tunes through out the years ("True" and "Take The Pain Away", to name a couple), he's written more than half the songs on this album. So what topics can we expect to hear him sing about? Love---or more specifically, lack of it. "I've been a heartbroken kid for a while," Nick explains. "I haven't had a girlfriend in a long time. The record has to do with wanting love. But I also sing about being 22 and a little bit crazy."

Ummm, crazy? We hadn't pegged the cute singer as a psycho, but Nick promises that he's about to bust out his wildside---especially if he decided to embark on a solo tour (a choice he'll make after the as- yet-untitled album is finished). "I haven't had the chance to lose my mind on stage," he says. "I've been a little restrained. Kevin and the guys want to be more respected. They're always aware and cautious and don't want to be looked at in a certain way. Me, I don't care. You can look at me any way you want."

After hearing that, we're beginning to worry there's more truth to those breakup rumors than we had thought. We put in a call to Jive Records, the label behind the group and presumably, Nick's solo record, to get the truth. Their rep assures us that the guys--- including Nick will begin recording in Sweden in July. She says that while Nick is working on his own material, it's too early for the label to have scheduled a release date for his album. Sounds believable. Besides, Nick himself insists he has no plans to leave BSB behind and claims they've been supportive of his new project--- well, for the most part.

"Sometimes there can be a little bit of animosity in certain places," he says offering no details. "But at the end of the day, this is something I want to do very badly. I know they won't hold me back." He also brushes off talk about conflict within the group over which record to release first. "They both are up in the air. My album is coming along little further," he says. "Of all the groups out there, I think we have some of the most talented people. I think we could all be individually successful and have fun doing it by ourselves. When I hear rumors about us breaking up, I toss them out the window, because it's not true. I've been with a group since I was 12 and I just wanted to try something different. A lot of people sad, 'Don't do it. It's the wrong time.' I guess I was thinking, When is the right time?" And with that, he heads into the sound booth, looking happy to be singing his own tune


**Nick escorted basketball player Sue Bird to the ESPY Awards, they both looked awesome! Hey..what can I say..Nick is alwayz fiiinnne!!**



**Cool news! There will be a Official Nick Carter Street Team coming out soon, when I have more details about it I will let you guys know!** UPDATE:THERE IS NOW A NICK CARTER STREET TEAM, BUT FOR SOME REASON IT HAS BEEN SHUT DOWN.:( WHEN & IF IT IS UP AND RUNNING AGAIN I WILL GET YOU GUYS A LINK SO YOU CAN JOIN! KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED!! :)
**If you are interested in joining the Aaron Carter Official Street Team where you can rack up points to put towards cool Aaron prizes such as autogrpahs, cds etc then just follow this link and register! No charge, just promote AC!! :)** (Just copy & paste)


**More cool news! Aarons new album which is going to be named "Another Earthquake" ( its gunna rock!) is going to have snippets of songs from Nicks new album on it since its gunna be out before Nicks you guys get to preview it for those who like Aaron's music as well. I know I do! Go get it guys! Aaron's new album is due out September 3rd.**


**Hey! If you want to help out here is a great way you can do it!! The 'Bandaid for BSB Campaign'..your a true fan right?! All about the music?! hehe..well you can buy your banda-aid for BSb logo t-shirt and the money is going to go to Nick's and Brian's charities! Doesnt get no better than that! Just go here for the details! **


**Nick is going to be interviewd in LA on Monday July the 22nd on behalf of his new solo album 'Now or Never',,if you have a question you would like to ask Nick email with your question, if they choose your question you will recieve Nick new album upon its release. **


I got This Email, And This Should be The OFFICIAL Article From Jive Records....Check It Out...
p.s. this was submitted by Debra on :)

-While speculation has overshadowed the release of Nick Carter's solo

album. Jive Records is ready to release the album officially. Now or

Never, will be released on October 8, 2002.

The first single "Help Me," impacts radio on August 19th. While the

single doesn't begin hitting radio outlets til later in the mo


Jive has set up a promotional plan in order to build the already

strong momentum. AOL will premiere its first listen series on July

24th. The promotion will last for three days. This follows the

successful run AOL has had in the past with such artist as Beyonce'

Knowles and Britney Spears.

According to Jive the video will ship out to major outlets MTV, and

VH1 the week of August 12, 2002. The artist plans to tour in August

as well but no dates have been scheduled. In the meantime, Nick will

continue on his radio tour along with younger brother Aaron

throughout the summer months.

Woohoo Everyone Mark Your Calendars.......Thanx Everyone....

K-T-B-S-P-A 4-L-I-F-E


**Nicks powerboat racing team took first place at the Super Vee race on Sunday 7/7/02 at the Savannah Offshore Grand Prix Race in Savannah, Georgia, this is Nick's 3rd win this season! Take it home baby!! hehe.**

**Nick now has an official site where you can sign up for his newslist and get up to date news on Nick and his upcoming solo album and also keep checking back on for more news and updates on Nick and the Boys!!**

**Nick's 1st single ever on his solo album will premiere on AOL's First Listen (Keyword:First Listen) Keep checkin Nicks site for updates on this (this info came from Nick's site) Enjoy & listen!!**


**You can listen to Nicks song 'I Got You' off of his new solo album 'Now or Never' by clicking: Enjoy!!**


**According to a recent source on Kevin has released the information that they plan to tour sometime in the early Spring of 2003! Which means the album should be out sometime before that!! Exciting!! Be patient and keep your ears & eyes open for anymore information!! :)**

**According to Nick's solo album 'Now or Never' has had its due date changed to October 29th 2002..just a couple days more of waiting..hehe.Also look for his 1st single 'Help Me' to be hitting radio waves and online August 17th 2002!! Hooray!! ;)**


**You can pre-order Nick's solo album 'Now or Never' at just click here
Happy Shopping!!**


 This is Nick's Interview with Cubby from Z100 on August 12th:

Cubby: From the summer of 94, Warren G. and "Regulate". That was uh 94. So Nick Carter is here now. You were what 3?

Nick (laughs): Screw you man.

Cubby (laughs): My old buddy is back!

Nick: What's up dude?

Cubby: Nick Carter is in the house. Well well well. We have a lot to talk about.

Nick: Yeah we do.

Cubby: We're not going to be talking about Backstreet Boys.

Nick: No..

Cubby: I mean we can..

Nick: Yea of course.

Cubby: But really this is about Nick Carter

Nick (in funny voice): Just little me..

Cubby: Little old him all by himself.

Nick: Just me and you.

Cubby: Yeah!!

Nick: We should talk about you too.

Cubby: You want to talk about me too?

Nick: Yeah.

Cubby: I'll interview you.. you interview me.

Nick: Ok..

Cubby: But I'm going to start with you first. First of all it was good seeing you in June. You and Aaron at Z100 Zootopia..

Nick: Mmm hmm

Cubby: That was fun man

Nick: Oh yeah it was awesome.

Cubby: You guys still doing a lot of shows?

Nick: Yeah I mean I just bounced around here and there.. did some stuff with Aaron but right now he's on tour by himself.

Cubby: Right

Nick: And I'm getting ready to release the single..

Cubby: That is why you are here.

(Nick laughs)

Cubby: Uh here's what we're going to do folks. We're going to take a short break and then world premiere your brand new song called "Help me." I want to to talk about it, the video and everything about it. You know what ? I can't call you pork chop anymore.

Nick: No

Cubby: You've lost weight.

Nick (laughs): I've lost too much weight.

Cubby: How much did you lose?

Nick: I lost like uh.. 20 pounds in 2 months or something like that.

Cubby: Well did you do the Atkin plan?

Nick: 20 pounds in a month. I don't even know. I just started eating properly (laughs)

Cubby: Yeah because you were a junk food junkie..

Nick: No.. yeah I was big time.

Cubby: But everyone on the plane.. We went around the world together on the plane.. They were all calling you pork chop.

Nick: Yeah they were..

Cubby: And Kevin was like "Hey man.. just say pork chop to him" and you got all mad at me.

Nick (laughs): Yeah.. I'm not.. I'm not. I'm feeling better now.

Cubby: He's skinny chop now.

Nick: Yeah.

Cubby: Nick Carter.. hang on okay? We'll be back in 4 minutes and we will talk more with Nick. Z100.. We are live.

Cubby: It's Cubby and we're hanging out with the very thin Nick Carter. Welcome to Z100 man.

Nick: You're looking good yourself.

Cubby: Thank you very much.

Nick: You are..

Cubby: We got to get you a cot in here because you are up here all the time. Seriously you've been a lot here in the past 2 years. We appreciate it.

Nick: Yeah we have.. I was just here recently.

Cubby: So what's going on man? You have a brand new song. It's solo time.

Nick: Yeah.

Cubby: How long have you been working on this?

Nick: For the past.. well since February. I've been working my butt off. I recorded 37 songs and we had to decide from those 37 songs what would be the first single. I've been working really hard on it and it's been a really fun experience because I get to get a lot of stuff out that I've been holding in since I was a little kid.. You know touring around the world and things like that. I'm actually starting to write and figure out myself and kind find myself in a way. It's been an exp.. well that's how it's been for me.

Cubby: It's weird talking to you without Brian or somebody chiming in..

Nick (laughs): It's weird huh?

Cubby: Is this your first interview without the guys?

Nick: Well yeah oh radio..

Cubby: That's pretty cool right?

Nick: Yep. First time for everything..

Cubby: Now what's up with Backstreet Boys? You guys are fine right?

Nick: Yeah..

Cubby: Let's clear up any rumors. You guys aren't breaking up?

Nick: No everything is fine. I mean it's just taking a lot longer to work on an album for them so right now I'm going to be releasing some stuff for myself.

Cubby: Are you doing both?

Nick: Yeah.. I wanna definately do both.

Cubby: So do you have time for a personal life? Or are you just pretty much writing, doing your thing and BSB stuff and your thing ?

Nick: Well right now at this particular point.. I'm really concentrating on the stuff I wanted to do for so long by myself and that's what we've been doing.

Cubby: I want to talk to some die hard fans that have been on hold forever. This is Hailey.. Hi Hailey.

Harley: It's Harley.

Cubby: No I'm sorry Harley like the motorcycle.

Harley: Yeah something like that

Cubby: Harley..

Harley: What?

Cubby: You are on with Nick

Harley: Hi!

Nick: Hi Harley (he said it like Howie)

Harley: Oh my god. How are you?

Nick: I'm really good.

Harley: I just want to tell you I'm going to be 27 next week..

Nick: Mmm hmm.

Harley: I drag friends to concerts. We do everything and I get made fun of!

Nick: Why?

Harley: Because they say I'm 27 and I shouldn't be..

Nick: Oh my god..

Harley: It's alright though. You know what. I stand my ground.

Nick: Don't listen to them.

Harley: I will love you guys forever.

Nick: You can do whatever you want to do.

Cubby: Exactly. You have a question for Nick?

Harley: Yeah.. what was it like recording without them?

Nick: What was it like .. that's a good question. Just it was..

Cubby: Lonely?

Nick: Well it was little different because of course you don't have 4 other different opinions and different things and when you are in group.. You have to kind of give a little and take a little and it's not all you. You know? That's what makes a group but when it's by yourself, you can almost throw everything out at the table and see how it's going to be and it's kind of very experimental. That was the fun part because I have always been very big rock influenced all my life. Old rock n roll.. New rock n roll and so I wanted to add that element to the new music like to the pop and make it kind of like a pop rock type of element and it's a little new and different and fresh. So it's been really good to create and kind of come up with something different.

Harley: Yea when is it gonna be available?

Nick: I think October 29 is the release date right now for the album.

Harley: Cool.

Cubby: Thanks a lot Harley. So album in October.. Will people buy a single ? Will you put a single out?

Nick: I don't believe so in the US. I don't think so.. Outside of the US there will probably be a.. I don't know if it's commercial single.. yeah commercial single.

Cubby: I'll tell you what. You want to play it?

Nick: Let's do it.

Cubby: Are you nervous?

Nick: Yes (laughs) Don't do it . Wait hold on..

Cubby: Is this your first time..

Nick (laughing): Don't hit the button yet!

Cubby: Is this your first time hearing it on the radio?

Nick: Yes it is..

(Sound of a drum roll)

Nick: Oh my god. Drum roll and everything.

Cubby: Z100 world premiere music.. Nick Carter..

(Nick starts snickering)

Cubby: This is called "Help me."

(Nick starts laughing)

Cubby: What are you laughing at?

Nick (still laughing): Cause it's funny!!

Cubby: This is a big deal.

Nick (laughing): It's funny though.

Cubby: Nick Carter by himself!

Nick: I can't believe it.

Cubby: "Help me"

Music starts playing..

Nick: You're killing me.

Song ends..

Cubby: Z100 world premiere music right there. Nick Carter "Help me." You were getting misty eyed.

Nick: Yes I am. I'm about to start crying (busts out laughing).

Cubby: It this how you felt when "Quit playing games" when you first heard it that on the radio. Actually further back than that I guess.

Nick: Yeah.. "We've got it going on."

Cubby: Probably in Florida or something..

Nick: It's exciting. It's really exciting. I feel like.. Words can't explain..

Cubby: It was really cool to see you . Seriously. We were just playing it.. you were jumping around the studio. It's like you found out your wife had a baby or something. You were like "It's a boy! It's a boy"!!

(Nick laughing)

Cubby: Hey uh we got to get ready to pull the 5 o'clock whistle here in a second but people are holding.. Tina??

Tina: Hi

Cubby: What did you think of that brand new song and how amazing was it?

Tiina: I loved it. It was amazing. Congratulations Nick.

Nick: Thank you (laughing). I can't stop laughing.

Tina: Basically I just wanted to thank you for putting out such good music cause I've been a fan since 1997 and since then I've gone through a lot of hard obstacles.. I've had to overcome and your music just like helped.. You know how you did Bravo All Stars "Let the music heal your soul?"

Nick: Mmm hmm

Tina: Basically that's how it is... And it just puts me in such a good mood everyday and no matter how bad of a day I'm having.. It's amazing. It just like makes me forget about everything.

Nick: That's the reason . You are the reason why I like to make music. People like you..

Tina: Awww

Nick: Definitely

Tina: Why thank you.

Cubby: Group hug!

Tina: Awww. I wish I could hug you.

Cubby: Alright thanks for the call Tina. Alright Hilary?

Hilary: Hello?

Cubby: You are on with Nick.

Hilary (screams) : Oh my god! Nick!!

Cubby screams like a girl and Nick laughs..

Hilary: I'm so in love with you.

Cubby: How amazing is that brand new song "Help me?"

Hilary: I love it. I love you so much. You sound so hot singing it.

Nick (laughs): Thanks.

Cubby: What's your question?

Hilary: Will you be doing a signing when your cd comes out?

Nick: Will I be doing a signing?

Cubby: Yeah like at Virgin Megastore or something like that.

Nick: We might do that.

Hilary (screams): Oh my god. Then I can meet you again. I'm so happy. I love you.

Nick (laughs): Thanks for calling.

Hilary: Thank you so much. You made my life. Bye.

Cubby: Tiffany?

Tiffany (screams): Hey what's up??

Cubby: You are on with Nick.

Tiffany: Hey Nick!

Nick: Hi.

Tiffany: I'm downstairs Nick.

Nick: Oh you are?

Cubby: Oh god.. You just saw Nick and now you got to call? There are people who didn't even talk to him. We'll be down in a second Tiffany.

Nick: We'll see ya. I'll send Cubby down. (laughs)

Tiffany: I'm a expecting a big hug Nick.

Nick: What's that?

Tiffany: I'm expecting a big hug when you come down.

Nick: Ok I owe it to ya.

Cubby: We got 3 more phone calls and then we're blowing the 5 o'clock whistle. n. Is this Carrie?

Carrie: Yeah hi. Oh my god Nick I love you.

Nick: Oh wow. Thank you.

(Cubby laughs)

Nick: I don't know what to say..

Carrie: Wow. I'm so nervous. Wow. Your song is awesome.

Nick: You like it?

Carrie: It's awesome. I want to know.. What can we expect from you in the future? Anything newer?

Nick: An album. The album is coming out..

Cubby: And a video?

Nick: Yea a video. Thanks for reminding me. I'm getting ready to shoot the video in like a couple of weeks and hopefully MTV will play it.

Carrie: That's cool. And a tour or something?

Nick: Yeah.. maybe something like that..

Carrie: Oh that's awesome

Nick: I know I'm going to be doing.. I'm going to be going around to different places.

Carrie: That's awesome.

Cubby: If you just tuned in.. It's Z100. Nick Carter is here. And we're going to Carol. Carol, I hear you're calling long distance?

Carol: Yeah I am actually.

Cubby: Where about?

Carol: (says some city). It's about an hour north of Syracuse. He should remember. You did the state fair here one year.

Nick: Mmm hmm. That was a while back ago.

Carol: Yeah..

Cubby: You don't do state fairs anymore.

Nick: I might have to on this one!

Cubby: No I don't think you have to worry about that. Hey Carol. What's your question?

Carol: I wanted to know.. I haven't heard the album yet obviously but I wanted to know which of the songs on "Now or Never" was like his favorite and which one meant the most to him?

Nick: Uh well we haven't quite picked everyone yet but uhm.. There was this one song that I wrote called "I stand for you" and it's kind of like just a very free spirited song.. very open and just..

Carol: Kind of like you..

Nick: Yeah.. free spirted and open and kind of just like to do whatever I want to do.

Carol: Well I just want to say on behalf of the Nick Carter official support team.. It's an E-group that we're on..

Nick: Mmm hmm

Carol: And I just wanted to say thay we just are totally standing behind you and supporting you and we are waiting with ? for that album to come out. We think that you are awesome.

Nick: Thank you so much.

Carol: We love you.

Nick (laughs): I love you too. Everybody out there.

Cubby: It's been all business up till this point.

Nick: Yeah.

Cubby: Now the personal phone calls. Dawn what's your question?

Dawn: What's up Nick? Well being as though the last caller took my phone call.. I'm going to ask a different question. Now that kaos tattoo on your back. Did that hurt?

Nick: Yeah.. It was down my spine.

Dawn: Oh god.

Nick: But the most recent one I got was.. because I have my shark and my two Japanese symbols and I got this whole collage thing done on my whole entire arm so it like really hurt.

Cubby: Now dude you're going to be 90.. You're going to have that. You gonna be happy?

Nick: Yeah well you never know actually. Hopefully my grandchildren are going to be like "What the hell did you do grandpa??"

Cubby: Thanks for the call Dawn.

Dawn: I also wanted to tell him that he has a phenomenal voice

Nick: Thanks.

Cubby: Yeah well it's evident in that brand new song. That's for sure..

Nick: Thanks.

Dawn: Bye.

Cubby: Alright I want you do something for me alright?

Nick: What's that?

5 o'clock whistle starts..

Cubby: It's Cubby looking for Gissel ______ from New York, New York. Would you say Gissel?

Nick: Gissel.

Cubby: Yeah Gissel from New York, New York. One hour to call me and give me the phrase that pays. Nick Carter since you are here. Technically it's 4 after 5. It's 5:04. It's not really 5 o'clock.

Nick: Oh no we missed it!

Cubby: But if you could..

Nick: You want me to say it?

Cubby: Yeah I want you do the honors of doing something very important here at Z100.

Drum roll..

Cubby: Tell everybody what time it is.

Nick: It's 5 o'clock! It's the weekend! And it's quitting time baby!!!

Cubby: Let's play it one more time!!

"Help me" starts playing again

Nick: I'm going to kill you..

Cubby: Yeah!! Nick Carter!

Cubby: Z100. Nick Carter. There it is premiere "Help me." What's that song about Nick?

Nick: It's about I need some help. I have mental problems. (laughs)

Cubby: I want you to say that in every interview you do. "What's that song about Nick?" It's about "I need help." "Thanks a lot. Thanks for coming". You wrote that song right?

Nick: No actually that was written by Matthew Girard.

Cubby: But you wrote lots of songs on the album right?

Nick: I wrote about 60% of the album.

Cubby: Wow.

Nick: 60.. 75.

Cubby: Well Nick Carter. I can't tell you what a day it's been. I mean I had no idea you were coming up here until about 2 hours ago and we got the song in our hands. You hand delivered it. You da man..

Nick: I can't.. I can't believe it's happening. I'm like "Oh my god" (pretends to cry)

Cubby: A message to the fans?

Nick: Message to the fans.. Uhm it's been since we've done anything or me personally or anything. Anybody who's been here and who's been supporting and stuck through it through all the hard times and all the good times. Thank you for still being here. Because I think the fans deserve all the respect. You know? Especially in my position.

Cubby: And go out and buy the cd..

Nick: Please. Please that would be cool. (laughs)

Cubby: And until it comes out.. request it. Nick Carter "Help me." Nick Carter.. thank you.

Nick: Thank you.

Cubby: Big round of applause. Thank you Nick Carter for coming to Z100

Nick: See ya!!!


NEW YORK--(ENTERTAINMENT WIRE)--Aug. 16, 2002--Jive recording artist Nick Carter will release his debut solo album, Now or Never worldwide on October 29, 2002.

"Help Me" the first single will ship to radio on August 20. The video will debut on MTV's Making of The Video on September 16.

"Help Me" was written by Matthew Gerrard and Michele Vice-Maslin and produced by Matthew Gerrard.

Now or Never has tracks written by Nick Carter, The Matrix, Mark Taylor, Steve Mac, Max Martin and Rami.

You can also pre-order the new album, Now Or Never from by clicking here.


**'Help Me' is the Nicks 1st single which is now playing on radio stations near you, so vote him on your radio stations best song countdowns!! :)**

**Nick's new video for 'Help Me' will make its first premiere on Making of the Video on MTV on September 16th 2002. Chris Applebaum was the director and rumor has it that the video is of the hizzy! hehe. :) Dont forget to watch!!**

Nick Carter's debut solo album, Now or Never will be released worldwide on October 29, 2002! Help Me the first single is on the radio now. Help Me was written by Matthew Gerrard and Michele Vice-Maslin and produced by Matthew Gerrard. Now or Never has tracks written by Nick Carter, The Matrix, Mark Taylor, Steve Mac, Max Martin and Rami. The album is amazing (This news bit taken from

**Nick will be a presenter for the 2002 Latin Grammy Awards airing on Wednesday September 18th at 9 pm ET/PT on CBS!! Be home! You know hes gunna look hot!! ;)**

Expect Nick To Play Guitar For Live Shows caught up with Backstreet Boys star Nick Carter to talk about his debut solo album 'Now Or Never'. "Yeah, I wanted to put more guitars in it, definitely. A little harder, a little newer. Just different, just very different," Nick said. "I've been playing guitar lately and you know, I'm probably going to start playing when I perform onstage. And y'know, the drums I've been playing since I was, 12 years old." Fans can pick up their own copy and judge for themselves on October 29th.

heres another article.......

Justin Getting More Airplay Than Nick

Like I Love You is getting 6 times more spins (798) than Help Me (173). It's also being played on 39 stations to Nick's 11. And that was just the pop format. In the urban/crossover chart, Like I Love You is getting almost 300 spins per week


Nick Carter Q&A -Nick with the Herald Sun in Australia.

Nick Carter tells NEALA JOHNSON how it feels to be the first solo Backstreet Boy.

Are you happy with your first solo album, Now Or Never?

Yeah, Im ecstatic about it.

Does it feel different to be talking about a project thats come from you, and you alone?

Yeah, its different. I mean, its weird because Ive got so much to say. Its like, man, I didnt realise I had so much I wanted to talk about.

Why was Help Me chosen as your first single?

First of all, I didnt write the song. But the songs that I didnt write on the album, Id listen to em before Id record them, and if it didnt, word-wise, have anything to do with what Im trying to say, or what Im going through in my life, I didnt need to record it. So that song right here, it hit home with where Im at right now. It talks about how Im trying to find my way, and Im soul-searching. You know, Im 22 and Ive gone through the business and theres a lot of stuff in this business that can really mess with a young kid.

Do you look at what youve been through with the Backstreet Boys and wonder how you came out with your sanity intact?

Yep. Definitely. Theres a lot of situations that make me think, God, man, how did I even get there? But getting through those things and learning only makes people stronger, from what Ive noticed lol.. And thank God Ive been blessed and Ive been able to learn, and learn quickly, and not do em again.

Have you written or co-written many songs on Now Or Never?

Most of the songs, Ive co-written. But even though I co-wrote with people, a large portion is my ideas. Everything on the album, its very personal. Its stuff that I either have gone through, or I really, really love, or would love to have. So whoever listens to the songs, theyre going to be able to tell what Ive been going through for the past how long, because Ive been able to use the writing as a therapy. Instead of writing in a diary, I wrote it on paper and recorded it.

Who did you write with?

I worked with Max Martin again. I did some stuff with Teddy Riley (Joe, Mary J. Blige), I did some stuff with Guy Chambers Robbie Williams and Steve Mac of Westlife in England. But Ive also worked with a lot of underdogs, people who are on the up, people whove really got a lot to say.

Are you nervous that Now Or Never is an open book, without four other guys to hide behind?

I know its gonna be very open, and Im prepared for that. Very prepared. But hey, Im willing to tell people, finally, through the music, about stuff Ive been going through. I think the fans wanna know.

Youre still part of one of the most popular bands in the world, so what are you hoping a solo album will achieve for you?

Personally, Im not really into the whole success thing to the point where I need it to be this huge magnitude or anything. What I really want is for it to be successful in my own mind and my heart and in my soul. Ive been very happy recording it. Im very positive right now, and all the positive stuff I put into the music. And what I would like to do is bleed through to the fans, so it can possibly make them happy, too. Thats the main goal, for the fans that are still there wanting to listen to new music, I wanna just make them happy. So thats why I tried to make feel-good music.

Will the songs surprise your fans?

In general, the musics gonna surprise them. But its what influenced me, its like a rock feel. Ive been very influenced by rock since I was very little. I knew I wanted guitars, and I knew I wanted a lot of live music.

How heavy do those guitars get?

Theyre not that heavy, I mean its not like Metallica. You know what it is? To me its a new pop, its a new type of pop music that Im trying to do.

Are there plans to tour the album?

It would be fun, but right now Im just livin day by day and seein how it goes. But hey, Im definitely gonna be promoting it, so that means Im gonna be going out all around the world and gettin down with the fans again.

So you might spend longer in Australia than the 14 hours you were here with the Backstreet Boys in 2000?

Oh, I know lol. Im gonna make sure I get over there.

Did you do things on this album you didnt know you could?

I didnt know that I was able to write a song the way Ive written songs, and I didnt realise I could sing the way I sang. It was all very eye opening to me, I didnt expect it. Im not the kind of person thats so confident in myself that I can be like, Yeah, I can do this!. Ive always been very I dunno lol. I just didnt expect myself to be able to do something like that.

Stories on the Internet have said other members of the Backstreet Boys are unhappy about you making a solo album. Should we believe any of the rumours?

I dont know if its true. Ive heard some things about that, but I dont believe the guys would be like that.

So, by the sound of it, while the band has been on a break, youve been taking a complete break from each other as well?

Its not a break from each, its more, I really wanted to do this. And were gonna get back in Im gonna get back I would love to get back with them and record some music.

How much work will you be able to put in behind your solo album if two days after its released you have to jump back on board with the Backstreet Boys?

Well, I guess thats why Im taking everything day by day. Cos Im really happy doing what Im doing.

Help Me:Zomba: out now. Now Or Never out October 28.


Vote for Nick's video for 'Help Me' on TRL and get him at #1 Also, be sure to vote extrsl hard, Nick will be performing on TRL live on Monday October 21st, so vote vote vote and show your support! He deserves it!!!

**Nick finally has an interactive street team! Its great! You can chat, post on the messege board, participate in missions that can get you some cool Nick prizes plus more!! So just follow this link(you can copy and paste) and join,theres no charge, and what a better way to show our love to Nick than by supporting him!! :)**

Simon S: He's Nick Carter! :Nick On Pop World, Sept 02'

Nick N: Hey wassup!! (Nick hold up his hands and smiles)

Miquita M: I'm honoured!

S: Now are you alright without the other boys?!

N: It's a little different, but I've been with the boys since I was 12, or ten years!

S: Arn't you sick of 'em!?

N: laughs No I'm not sick of them! I love them, they're my brothers, but was just like, I really wanted to try something new and different - y'know?

S: And it is different, its rockier!!

N: ..basically, yeah, I was like the guy, everytime we'd perform at a show, or something like that, and we'd be in out dressing room before hand, I'd bring in 'System of a Down' big rock/heavy metal group and play it, and they'd really hate me for it! Maquita laughs They'd hate me for it! laughs

S: But in your fantasy would you love to be head bangng on stage with a guitar?

N: That's what I'm doing now he grins

S: Head baning as well?!

M: Do you head bang?

N: he laughs Uh...yeah! I cn't do it now, I need some, like, really heavy metal stuff like 'Korn' or something! laughs

M: You need some more hair as well!

N: Huh?!

M: You need the curtains back again!

N: Yeah, I used to have it really long, that's hpw I had it, I might gorw it back again....

M: Did you ever have a mullet?

N: Uh...I think I did! laughs

M: Oh no! both presenters laugh

N: I think I had a mullet, but, I've had like really crazy hair-styles!

M: OK!

S: Nnow the word on the street is that you're a rock beast when it comes to the drums! Maquita laughs

N: I played since I was 12...

S: But are you a beast Nick?!

N: I don't know if I'm a beast necessarily! laughs

S: OK, we;d like to see

N: I'mm...I like to play really hard!!

M: Yeah - really get into it!


N: Yeah, I like to play really hard when I play!

S: Well, we;ve got one drum for you and two sticks!

N: laughs Two sticks and a drum!

M: laughsYeah two sticks!! imitating Simon


N: Its got a snare huh??

M: We;d like you to ...are you gonna rock out Nick?!

N: I can't really rock out on a snare too much, but I can do a couple of drum rolls though!

M: OK that'll do! But first here's his first debut solo single - 'Help Me'.

Video Plays - they come back on screen with Nick holding a drum in front of him

S: There it is 'Help Me'. And now the moment Nick Carter - And this this is a world exclusive joking by the way!!

M: Yeah it is!

S: I don't think they've done this on GMTV!

M: No!

N: I'll be honest with you, I'm not that good on a small set!

S: Oh come on! You're a beast!! Maquita laughs

N: I'm a beast hits drum once

S: Oh yeah!

M: So...come on then! Nick starts drumming away like a march type beat

M: Ok - I'm feeling it! Nick drums a bit more harder and louder and both presenters begin to wince!

S: OK! OK! He takes it away - Nick laughs

m: It's like a toy! Nick hands the drumsticks to Maquit

S: Go back to the ballads he jokes

M: Oh, that was impressive that, that was impressive Nick!

S: Thank you very much! Now Justin, he'd got the celebrity girlfriend in Britney, would you ever consdier getting a celebrity girlfriend to further your career? Not that he did that to further his career!! Well..... (Nick laughs) Is that something you'd consider?

N: Yeah - I'm gonna hook up with Kylie!

M: Mmm - Kylie!

S: I thought you liked Holy Valance?!

M: Yeah I though it was Holly?

N: Nah! She's got a boyfriend! Thats what I heard!

M: So's Kylie!

S: No, she's split up with him!

M: Oh no not really, so if Kylie's....

N: Yeah, so I heard Kylie split up with her boyfriend grins and laughs

M: So if she was around.....

N: She's a little bit older...but thats OK

M: So you don't mind that she's a little bit older?

N: No - she's fit! laughs

M: She's fit! laughs

N: Yeah - she's fit says it in a British accent

M: You laernt that word whilst you've been over here!

N: I love that word! She's fit! says again in a British accent - Maquita cracks up laughing

S: Where would you take her on you first date?

N: Buckingham! laughs

S: Buckinghm Palace!? You know the royals - I heard you met William?!

N: Yeah I'm good friends with them - NOT! laughs

S: Where did you meet William - at a party?!

N: Yeah - I was like - at a club...and...

M: What?! William's out clubbing is he?!

N: Yeah! Oops! puts his hand over his mouthMaybe I shouldn't have said that!

M: Was it in America or this country?

N: It was here - like a couple of days ago

S: And what happened, what did you say? Is he a fan?

N: I'm gonna start some controversy laughs he wanted to dance and all...and I was like...

M: What?! With you?!

S: That's sweet! laughs

N: Yeah, we were like dancing, and we were kinda like, just chillin!

M: Wills was chillin!

N Yeah, just hangin' out! He's a cool lad!

M: Its such a weird imagery, him and William just chillin' out at a club!

N: Yeah, I had my band, and we were all just istting and chilling out there, and all of a sudden he walked up and was like 'Hey!'. And I was like, y'know, 'Hey! whats up?!'

M: Woah - you're like friends!

N: I was like - don't I know you?! all laugh

S: Has he got any BSB albums?!

N: laughs, but he...uh...I'm gonna cause controversy (laughs) but um...he was like,' Hey the next time you see Britney, tell her I say Hi!'

M: laughs What!

N: I was like - I'm the wrong guy for that!

S: Oh no!

N: You need to talk to Justin about htat, not me!

M: Good point! Nice to meet you finally!

N: Uh - thanks!

M: Good luck with your debut single!

N: Say hi to William!

M: laughs I will 0 cause we;re like that! Yeah! right! (laughs)

S: Yeah!

N: You know you're gonna be right there telling him! Maquita still laughs

M: Yeah!

N: Like - guess what I heard!!?!

S: OK meanwhile Maquita still laughing!)


Date: Sep 18, 2002
Submitted By: jmw

You voted Nick Carter the Sexiest Guy in the World and got him on the cover of CosmoGIRL! Now we have to You Can win the shirt of Nicks back by clicking on the picture of Nick on Cosmo Girl! Good luck and have fun!prove he's worthy of the honor by buying the issue! Need some incentive? We're giving away the Necklace and the T-shirt he's wearing on CosmoGIRL!'s cover!

Would you like a chance to win the actual T-shirt that Nick wore for the cover shoot of the October 2002 issue of CosmoGIRL! magazine? How about the necklace? CosmoGIRL! have donated these items for us to give away in this exclusive contest.


Simply cut out the Universal Product Code or the original table of contents page from your copy of the October 2002 issue of CosmoGIRL! and mail it, along with your name, address and phone number to:

CosmoGIRL! Contest
PO Box 41137,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada,
K1G 5K9

We'll put your entry into the official draw, to be held on November 15, 2002.


  • Enter as many times as you wish.
  • Only one product code per envelope.
  • Entries must be received on or before November 14, 2002. It takes at least two weeks for your mail to be delivered to us in Canada so be sure to mail it before October 30 and MAKE SURE YOU USE A 60 CENT STAMP or sufficient postage to send your letter to Canada.
  • You must have your parent's permission to enter if you are a minor.
  • None of the information that you provide about yourself will be disclosed to anyone.
  • On November 15, 2002, we'll draw two lucky winners and notify them by phone.


Next Item: Lupus Cruise 2002 With Ho
Prev Item: Brian & Leighanne's celebrity rhis



Nick Carter's debut solo album, Now or Never will be released worldwide on October 29, 2002! Help Me the first single is on the radio now. Help Me was written by Matthew Gerrard and Michele Vice-Maslin and produced by Matthew Gerrard. Now or Never has tracks written by Nick Carter, The Matrix, Mark Taylor, Steve Mac, Max Martin and Rami. The album is amazing! (News bit from thanks)

Be sure to let me know what you hear and I'll add it to this page!