Cubby: From the summer of 94, Warren G. and "Regulate". That was uh 94. So Nick Carter is here now. You were what 3?
Nick (laughs): Screw you man.
Cubby (laughs): My old buddy is back!
Nick: What's up dude?
Cubby: Nick Carter is in the house. Well well well. We have a lot to talk about.
Nick: Yeah we do.
Cubby: We're not going to be talking about Backstreet Boys.
Nick: No..
Cubby: I mean we can..
Nick: Yea of course.
Cubby: But really this is about Nick Carter
Nick (in funny voice): Just little me..
Cubby: Little old him all by himself.
Nick: Just me and you.
Cubby: Yeah!!
Nick: We should talk about you too.
Cubby: You want to talk about me too?
Nick: Yeah.
Cubby: I'll interview you.. you interview me.
Nick: Ok..
Cubby: But I'm going to start with you first. First of all it was good seeing you in June. You and Aaron at Z100 Zootopia..
Nick: Mmm hmm
Cubby: That was fun man
Nick: Oh yeah it was awesome.
Cubby: You guys still doing a lot of shows?
Nick: Yeah I mean I just bounced around here and there.. did some stuff with Aaron but right now he's on tour by himself.
Cubby: Right
Nick: And I'm getting ready to release the single..
Cubby: That is why you are here.
(Nick laughs)
Cubby: Uh here's what we're going to do folks. We're going to take a short break and then world premiere your brand new song called "Help me." I want to to talk about it, the video and everything about it. You know what ? I can't call you pork chop anymore.
Nick: No
Cubby: You've lost weight.
Nick (laughs): I've lost too much weight.
Cubby: How much did you lose?
Nick: I lost like uh.. 20 pounds in 2 months or something like that.
Cubby: Well did you do the Atkin plan?
Nick: 20 pounds in a month. I don't even know. I just started eating properly (laughs)
Cubby: Yeah because you were a junk food junkie..
Nick: No.. yeah I was big time.
Cubby: But everyone on the plane.. We went around the world together on the plane.. They were all calling you pork chop.
Nick: Yeah they were..
Cubby: And Kevin was like "Hey man.. just say pork chop to him" and you got all mad at me.
Nick (laughs): Yeah.. I'm not.. I'm not. I'm feeling better now.
Cubby: He's skinny chop now.
Nick: Yeah.
Cubby: Nick Carter.. hang on okay? We'll be back in 4 minutes and we will talk more with Nick. Z100.. We are live.
Cubby: It's Cubby and we're hanging out with the very thin Nick Carter. Welcome to Z100 man.
Nick: You're looking good yourself.
Cubby: Thank you very much.
Nick: You are..
Cubby: We got to get you a cot in here because you are up here all the time. Seriously you've been a lot here in the past 2 years. We appreciate it.
Nick: Yeah we have.. I was just here recently.
Cubby: So what's going on man? You have a brand new song. It's solo time.
Nick: Yeah.
Cubby: How long have you been working on this?
Nick: For the past.. well since February. I've been working my butt off. I recorded 37 songs and we had to decide from those 37 songs what would be the first single. I've been working really hard on it and it's been a really fun experience because I get to get a lot of stuff out that I've been holding in since I was a little kid.. You know touring around the world and things like that. I'm actually starting to write and figure out myself and kind find myself in a way. It's been an exp.. well that's how it's been for me.
Cubby: It's weird talking to you without Brian or somebody chiming in..
Nick (laughs): It's weird huh?
Cubby: Is this your first interview without the guys?
Nick: Well yeah oh radio..
Cubby: That's pretty cool right?
Nick: Yep. First time for everything..
Cubby: Now what's up with Backstreet Boys? You guys are fine right?
Nick: Yeah..
Cubby: Let's clear up any rumors. You guys aren't breaking up?
Nick: No everything is fine. I mean it's just taking a lot longer to work on an album for them so right now I'm going to be releasing some stuff for myself.
Cubby: Are you doing both?
Nick: Yeah.. I wanna definately do both.
Cubby: So do you have time for a personal life? Or are you just pretty much writing, doing your thing and BSB stuff and your thing ?
Nick: Well right now at this particular point.. I'm really concentrating on the stuff I wanted to do for so long by myself and that's what we've been doing.
Cubby: I want to talk to some die hard fans that have been on hold forever. This is Hailey.. Hi Hailey.
Harley: It's Harley.
Cubby: No I'm sorry Harley like the motorcycle.
Harley: Yeah something like that
Cubby: Harley..
Harley: What?
Cubby: You are on with Nick
Harley: Hi!
Nick: Hi Harley (he said it like Howie)
Harley: Oh my god. How are you?
Nick: I'm really good.
Harley: I just want to tell you I'm going to be 27 next week..
Nick: Mmm hmm.
Harley: I drag friends to concerts. We do everything and I get made fun of!
Nick: Why?
Harley: Because they say I'm 27 and I shouldn't be..
Nick: Oh my god..
Harley: It's alright though. You know what. I stand my ground.
Nick: Don't listen to them.
Harley: I will love you guys forever.
Nick: You can do whatever you want to do.
Cubby: Exactly. You have a question for Nick?
Harley: Yeah.. what was it like recording without them?
Nick: What was it like .. that's a good question. Just it was..
Cubby: Lonely?
Nick: Well it was little different because of course you don't have 4 other different opinions and different things and when you are in group.. You have to kind of give a little and take a little and it's not all you. You know? That's what makes a group but when it's by yourself, you can almost throw everything out at the table and see how it's going to be and it's kind of very experimental. That was the fun part because I have always been very big rock influenced all my life. Old rock n roll.. New rock n roll and so I wanted to add that element to the new music like to the pop and make it kind of like a pop rock type of element and it's a little new and different and fresh. So it's been really good to create and kind of come up with something different.
Harley: Yea when is it gonna be available?
Nick: I think October 29 is the release date right now for the album.
Harley: Cool.
Cubby: Thanks a lot Harley. So album in October.. Will people buy a single ? Will you put a single out?
Nick: I don't believe so in the US. I don't think so.. Outside of the US there will probably be a.. I don't know if it's commercial single.. yeah commercial single.
Cubby: I'll tell you what. You want to play it?
Nick: Let's do it.
Cubby: Are you nervous?
Nick: Yes (laughs) Don't do it . Wait hold on..
Cubby: Is this your first time..
Nick (laughing): Don't hit the button yet!
Cubby: Is this your first time hearing it on the radio?
Nick: Yes it is..
(Sound of a drum roll)
Nick: Oh my god. Drum roll and everything.
Cubby: Z100 world premiere music.. Nick Carter..
(Nick starts snickering)
Cubby: This is called "Help me."
(Nick starts laughing)
Cubby: What are you laughing at?
Nick (still laughing): Cause it's funny!!
Cubby: This is a big deal.
Nick (laughing): It's funny though.
Cubby: Nick Carter by himself!
Nick: I can't believe it.
Cubby: "Help me"
Music starts playing..
Nick: You're killing me.
Song ends..
Cubby: Z100 world premiere music right there. Nick Carter "Help me." You were getting misty eyed.
Nick: Yes I am. I'm about to start crying (busts out laughing).
Cubby: It this how you felt when "Quit playing games" when you first heard it that on the radio. Actually further back than that I guess.
Nick: Yeah.. "We've got it going on."
Cubby: Probably in Florida or something..
Nick: It's exciting. It's really exciting. I feel like.. Words can't explain..
Cubby: It was really cool to see you . Seriously. We were just playing it.. you were jumping around the studio. It's like you found out your wife had a baby or something. You were like "It's a boy! It's a boy"!!
(Nick laughing)
Cubby: Hey uh we got to get ready to pull the 5 o'clock whistle here in a second but people are holding.. Tina??
Tina: Hi
Cubby: What did you think of that brand new song and how amazing was it?
Tiina: I loved it. It was amazing. Congratulations Nick.
Nick: Thank you (laughing). I can't stop laughing.
Tina: Basically I just wanted to thank you for putting out such good music cause I've been a fan since 1997 and since then I've gone through a lot of hard obstacles.. I've had to overcome and your music just like helped.. You know how you did Bravo All Stars "Let the music heal your soul?"
Nick: Mmm hmm
Tina: Basically that's how it is... And it just puts me in such a good mood everyday and no matter how bad of a day I'm having.. It's amazing. It just like makes me forget about everything.
Nick: That's the reason . You are the reason why I like to make music. People like you..
Tina: Awww
Nick: Definitely
Tina: Why thank you.
Cubby: Group hug!
Tina: Awww. I wish I could hug you.
Cubby: Alright thanks for the call Tina. Alright Hilary?
Hilary: Hello?
Cubby: You are on with Nick.
Hilary (screams) : Oh my god! Nick!!
Cubby screams like a girl and Nick laughs..
Hilary: I'm so in love with you.
Cubby: How amazing is that brand new song "Help me?"
Hilary: I love it. I love you so much. You sound so hot singing it.
Nick (laughs): Thanks.
Cubby: What's your question?
Hilary: Will you be doing a signing when your cd comes out?
Nick: Will I be doing a signing?
Cubby: Yeah like at Virgin Megastore or something like that.
Nick: We might do that.
Hilary (screams): Oh my god. Then I can meet you again. I'm so happy. I love you.
Nick (laughs): Thanks for calling.
Hilary: Thank you so much. You made my life. Bye.
Cubby: Tiffany?
Tiffany (screams): Hey what's up??
Cubby: You are on with Nick.
Tiffany: Hey Nick!
Nick: Hi.
Tiffany: I'm downstairs Nick.
Nick: Oh you are?
Cubby: Oh god.. You just saw Nick and now you got to call? There are people who didn't even talk to him. We'll be down in a second Tiffany.
Nick: We'll see ya. I'll send Cubby down. (laughs)
Tiffany: I'm a expecting a big hug Nick.
Nick: What's that?
Tiffany: I'm expecting a big hug when you come down.
Nick: Ok I owe it to ya.
Cubby: We got 3 more phone calls and then we're blowing the 5 o'clock whistle. n. Is this Carrie?
Carrie: Yeah hi. Oh my god Nick I love you.
Nick: Oh wow. Thank you.
(Cubby laughs)
Nick: I don't know what to say..
Carrie: Wow. I'm so nervous. Wow. Your song is awesome.
Nick: You like it?
Carrie: It's awesome. I want to know.. What can we expect from you in the future? Anything newer?
Nick: An album. The album is coming out..
Cubby: And a video?
Nick: Yea a video. Thanks for reminding me. I'm getting ready to shoot the video in like a couple of weeks and hopefully MTV will play it.
Carrie: That's cool. And a tour or something?
Nick: Yeah.. maybe something like that..
Carrie: Oh that's awesome
Nick: I know I'm going to be doing.. I'm going to be going around to different places.
Carrie: That's awesome.
Cubby: If you just tuned in.. It's Z100. Nick Carter is here. And we're going to Carol. Carol, I hear you're calling long distance?
Carol: Yeah I am actually.
Cubby: Where about?
Carol: (says some city). It's about an hour north of Syracuse. He should remember. You did the state fair here one year.
Nick: Mmm hmm. That was a while back ago.
Carol: Yeah..
Cubby: You don't do state fairs anymore.
Nick: I might have to on this one!
Cubby: No I don't think you have to worry about that. Hey Carol. What's your question?
Carol: I wanted to know.. I haven't heard the album yet obviously but I wanted to know which of the songs on "Now or Never" was like his favorite and which one meant the most to him?
Nick: Uh well we haven't quite picked everyone yet but uhm.. There was this one song that I wrote called "I stand for you" and it's kind of like just a very free spirited song.. very open and just..
Carol: Kind of like you..
Nick: Yeah.. free spirted and open and kind of just like to do whatever I want to do.
Carol: Well I just want to say on behalf of the Nick Carter official support team.. It's an E-group that we're on..
Nick: Mmm hmm
Carol: And I just wanted to say thay we just are totally standing behind you and supporting you and we are waiting with ? for that album to come out. We think that you are awesome.
Nick: Thank you so much.
Carol: We love you.
Nick (laughs): I love you too. Everybody out there.
Cubby: It's been all business up till this point.
Nick: Yeah.
Cubby: Now the personal phone calls. Dawn what's your question?
Dawn: What's up Nick? Well being as though the last caller took my phone call.. I'm going to ask a different question. Now that kaos tattoo on your back. Did that hurt?
Nick: Yeah.. It was down my spine.
Dawn: Oh god.
Nick: But the most recent one I got was.. because I have my shark and my two Japanese symbols and I got this whole collage thing done on my whole entire arm so it like really hurt.
Cubby: Now dude you're going to be 90.. You're going to have that. You gonna be happy?
Nick: Yeah well you never know actually. Hopefully my grandchildren are going to be like "What the hell did you do grandpa??"
Cubby: Thanks for the call Dawn.
Dawn: I also wanted to tell him that he has a phenomenal voice
Nick: Thanks.
Cubby: Yeah well it's evident in that brand new song. That's for sure..
Nick: Thanks.
Dawn: Bye.
Cubby: Alright I want you do something for me alright?
Nick: What's that?
5 o'clock whistle starts..
Cubby: It's Cubby looking for Gissel ______ from New York, New York. Would you say Gissel?
Nick: Gissel.
Cubby: Yeah Gissel from New York, New York. One hour to call me and give me the phrase that pays. Nick Carter since you are here. Technically it's 4 after 5. It's 5:04. It's not really 5 o'clock.
Nick: Oh no we missed it!
Cubby: But if you could..
Nick: You want me to say it?
Cubby: Yeah I want you do the honors of doing something very important here at Z100.
Drum roll..
Cubby: Tell everybody what time it is.
Nick: It's 5 o'clock! It's the weekend! And it's quitting time baby!!!
Cubby: Let's play it one more time!!
"Help me" starts playing again
Nick: I'm going to kill you..
Cubby: Yeah!! Nick Carter!
Cubby: Z100. Nick Carter. There it is premiere "Help me." What's that song about Nick?
Nick: It's about I need some help. I have mental problems. (laughs)
Cubby: I want you to say that in every interview you do. "What's that song about Nick?" It's about "I need help." "Thanks a lot. Thanks for coming". You wrote that song right?
Nick: No actually that was written by Matthew Girard.
Cubby: But you wrote lots of songs on the album right?
Nick: I wrote about 60% of the album.
Cubby: Wow.
Nick: 60.. 75.
Cubby: Well Nick Carter. I can't tell you what a day it's been. I mean I had no idea you were coming up here until about 2 hours ago and we got the song in our hands. You hand delivered it. You da man..
Nick: I can't.. I can't believe it's happening. I'm like "Oh my god" (pretends to cry)
Cubby: A message to the fans?
Nick: Message to the fans.. Uhm it's been since we've done anything or me personally or anything. Anybody who's been here and who's been supporting and stuck through it through all the hard times and all the good times. Thank you for still being here. Because I think the fans deserve all the respect. You know? Especially in my position.
Cubby: And go out and buy the cd..
Nick: Please. Please that would be cool. (laughs)
Cubby: And until it comes out.. request it. Nick Carter "Help me." Nick Carter.. thank you.
Nick: Thank you.
Cubby: Big round of applause. Thank you Nick Carter for coming to Z100
Nick: See ya!!!