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Webmaster's Note:This is a sexy pic of Nick..and a very recent one may I add. ;) |

Pucker up Baby! |

This is Nick and his lil sis Angel chillin in the pool. |

This is Nick and his bud Kenta goofin in the car. *lol* |

Nick and his one and only lil prince of pop bro..AC! |

Nick doin his thang at te 2002 Teen Choice Awards. |

Nick roamin the streets of the Big NYC (Manhattan)!! :) |

Nick a lil drunk? Nah..hes just bein hes usual good natured silly self. ;) |

Nick outside his hotel in Sweden during his time recording there. :) |

Another article I dont understand :( I really need to learn another language. lol. |

Do you understand this? lol...im uni-lingual lol. |
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